Your property finder companion

Looking for your dream

Are you tired of endless property searches that lead nowhere? Leverage the power of AI to revolutionize the way you find your dream property.

50k+Offers accepted
500k+Viewings Done
It gets better

Your All-in-One Solution for Property Finding

Offer Acceptance Scorecard

No more endless scrolling through listings or scheduling countless viewings.

Our AI provides you with a personalized scorecard/success rating for each property even before you schedule a viewing. This means you can focus your time and energy on the properties most likely to meet your needs.

Your offer has a 70% chance of been accepted
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Real-time Availability Updates

Stay ahead of the game with our real-time availability feature. Instantly update and share property availability, ensuring everyone is on the same page and reducing unnecessary back-and-forth.

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Viewing Schedules & Automated Reminders

Say goodbye to the chaos of managing multiple property viewings & reduce no-shows and missed appointments with automated reminders. Propsty sends timely reminders to both clients and team members, ensuring everyone is prepared and punctual.

Sync with your calendar to effortlessly coordinate property viewings, appointments, and important dates. Never miss a beat with our seamless integration.

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👋 Simpler than you think

It's quick &Easy

  • Download the Propsty app. It's quick, easy, and tailored to your property viewing needs.
  • Enter the criteria for the desired property, information about the number of occupants, length of stay, etc., then get a list of properties with a high rating of offer acceptance
  • Input property details, images, and viewing availability. Propsty makes it simple to track your viewings with your co-tenants.
  • Use our intuitive scheduling tools to set up property viewings at times that work for both you and your co-tenants.


We are leading across board

Offer Acceptance Insight10k7.8%
Daily viewings500+12.4%

Magnificent UseCases

Rest easy knowing that your sensitive property data is in safe hands. Propsty employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect your information and maintain confidentiality.

Know ahead of viewings whether your offer will be accepted

Get started

Manage property viewings on the go!

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Collaborate with your fellow co-tenants

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Take the big step today

Sign up for Propsty today and take the hassle out of property viewings. Revolutionize the way you manage your properties